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Your body has the innate ability to heal itself, but we often doubt what it’s telling us it needs... we tend to listen to others or society...  letting them tell us what’s right even though it feels really wrong to us... setting us on a trajectory of self-doubt. Growth, healing, change -- they all come with a rollercoaster of emotions. Sometimes we feel like we are up to the challenge, and then the next minute we burst into tears with overwhelm, feeling like there’s NO WAY we can meet the challenge.


None of our emotions are wrong . . . they are all just part of the journey. Don’t be afraid of what you are feeling. Hear out your feelings . . . listen to what they have to say, what they have to teach. Often emotions linger until we really listen to them instead of trying to stuff them down into a hidden place. 


Beauty is one of the most powerful languages in the world. We are attracted to the healing power of beauty. Beauty makes life better. The best kind of beauty is the kind that happens when something grows to become exactly what it was meant to become . . . when something is true and pure and authentic. There is so much beauty all around you . . . a clear sky, a majestic tree, a flower in all stages of blossom, a work of art from another brave soul that we share this planet with. All of these things came from a place of deep truth . . . they were created to be exactly what they are. 


Your own beauty shines brightest when you allow yourself to become exactly who you were meant to become . . . when you don’t try to be something different from what you are. When you blossom into the exact person that your soul yearns to become, you are more beautiful than ever. 


Please let your beauty shine by becoming exactly who you truly are. We can have so much goodness in our lives when we remember that we belong…We can feel such healing and belonging when we remember that we are exquisitely loved. So just listen, dear friend. Listen closely, be patient... and breathe.. no really... right now... inhale…. Exhale… inhale…exhale… 


Difficult feelings will pass. Joy will come back, confidence, dreams, and laughter will come back. Don’t be afraid when you are feeling down that you will never feel right again. Sometimes feeling down is just where you need to be to hear what your soul is trying to tell you.


You have come such a long way and you can keep going. You’ve already begun by being here. Love yourself for that. Honor that you showed up for you. And know that I’m right there with you. Rooting for your rise. I see you. I’m here for you. You are so, so, SNOW loved!!



PS: Please (also) know:  


Nothing anyone does to you is about you.


Our pain is looking for acknowledgment.


Your pain is most relevant to you; we all have pain… honor and validate it at your level.

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